My Last Holiday.

Ijen’s blue flame

hello everyone! I have an assignment to make a recount text about my last holiday.  so on the semester break, I went to banyuwangi this place is located in east java across from Bali. at first, I thought this place has nothing special in it, just some ordinary city on an ordinary day. I also thought that banyuwangi will be not so different from other cities. so because of these thoughts, I really didn’t have much expectation about the trip.

On Wednesday, 25 December 2019 we (me and my family) wake up, packed our bags and went straight to the airport. we arrived in banyuwangi in the afternoon we went to a restaurant first before we went to the resort. after we finished our meals we went to our resort and checked in. 

when I was unpacking my belongings my mom suddenly said to me that we need to sleep right after isya prayers and we need to wake up in the middle of the night and get ready to go for a hike. I was kind of shocked so I ask my mom why do we need to wake up in the middle of the night to go hiking I mean its dark to hike a mountain in the middle of the night. she says we were going to a place called ijen mountain and the famous blue flame only light up from 1 o’clock until 4 o’clock in the morning.

I was lost at first, like what is this so-called blue flame that only lights up at that hour? are we really going for a hike in the middle of the night? and so on. from what I heard banyuwangi is a hot place like there’s a lot of beaches and palm trees. so I wasn't really prepared for this but thank god I bring my thick sweater. 

and so the clock strikes at midnight, me and my family wakes up and started to getting ready. we arrived at the gate of ijen mountain around 12.30 ish, the first thoughts that appeared in my mind was how can be there were so many people in here?!! because of my curiosity I went to google and I search online ‘ijen blue flame’ and god it's very very very beautiful, I was in an awe. they said that blue flames only exist 2 in the whole wide world and one of them is in banyuwangi Indonesia I repeat its in indonesiaaaa! I was so proud of how unique Indonesia is.

It's was a very long and bumpy journey but we did it. Well, I barfed along the way but it's fine then when I reached the crater. we need to wear this mask to protect us from toxic sulfur around the blue flame. The blue flame was already sighted able from afar but me and my brother want to see it up close. So we (me and my brother) went up close and take a picture there, it is very beautiful and it was the most amazing experience I’ve had for a very long time.


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